Lose Love Handles

It is now a shared dream of every individual to lose love handles and extra accumulated fat in the body. Excessively chubby look does not only affects appearance but it also has significant effect on the mind as well, burdening the mind with all low self esteem and disliking thoughts towards oneself, making it difficult to cope with life's challenges.
Love handle is a term specific for the waist and this area of the body is often the measure of fitness and also measure of jeans size. If you are fit and your love handles in the healthy zone, you feel fresh, light and beautiful from inside out equally.
Here are few steps towards healthy way to lose love handles:
1)      General exercise
Though there are specific exercises that target the waist line and make you lose love handles more effectively but one can never ignore the importance of full body exercises like cardio for this purpose that involves swimming, running, etc.
2)      Eat what's right and healthy
Avoid eating junk food all the time, instead go for fruits and fiber. One should know the exact amount of calories according to one's age and activity level.
3)      Specific exercises targeting love handles (waist line)
i)                    Press ups using forearms
Acquire pushups position with your back straight and arms fully extended, now land on forearm using both forearms one at a time, now go up again in the same position extending your forearm again one at a time. Repeat this maneuver 8 times on each side of limb.
ii)                  Side lift and crunch method
Lie down on a side; lift your body with one arm and your legs straight, place right foot a bit ahead of the left. Now move your right knee and left elbow towards each other and then go back to previous position, repeating the pattern at least 12 times in 3 sets.
This will allow you to lose love handles effectively.